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CCAC Releases Design Candidate Images for The 2024 Native American Dollar

Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee

Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee

Coming out of its meeting on June 14th, the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) has released the design candidate images for the 2024 Native American dollar. A total of ten designs are now being considered for the final design, all commemorating the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, the theme for the 2024 Native American dollar.

The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 was an Act of the United States Congress that granted US citizenship to the indigenous peoples of the United States. While the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution defines a citizen as any persons born in the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, the amendment had previously been interpreted by the courts not to apply to Native peoples. The law as enacted on June 2, 2024 after being signed by President Calvin Coolidge.

Almost all of the design candidates depict a Native American walking stick or trail marker along with an American Flag.

2024 Native American Dollar Design Candidates (Images Courtesy of The United States Mint)

It is not expected that the final design for the coin will be decided upon until late this year or early in 2023. This will give Mint engravers and the designer time to collaborate and make any modifications prior to the pressing of actual coins.

The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) was established in 2003 by Congress under Public Law 108-15 to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on the themes and designs of all U.S. coins and medals. The CCAC serves as an informed, experienced and impartial resource to the Secretary of the Treasury and represents the interests of American citizens and collectors.

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