The United States Mint will begin sales of the 2024 Kennedy Half Dollar starting next week. Sales will begin at the usual time of Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific on the Mint’s site on April 23, 2024. While there is no mintage limit for the Kennedy Half Dollar as it is considered a circulating coin, there are production limits on the bags and roll sets that will be offered for sale.
First is the 2024 Kennedy Half Dollar 200-Coin Bag. There is a production limit of 11,550 bags and they are priced at $147.00 each. There is a household limit of ten on the number of bags that can be purchased. As is traditional with this product, the bag will contain 100 Kennedy’s from Denver and 100 from Philadelphia.
Secondly is the 2-roll set. Priced at $34.50, the set contains a 40-coin roll from the Denver Mint and a 40-coin roll from the Philadelphia Mint. There is a production limit of 27,250 sets, with a household purchase limit of 10 roll sets.
The Kennedy Half Dollar remains unchanged in its Obverse and Reverse designs from its inception in 1964. The only exception of course were the Bicentennial Reverse designs in 1975-1976.

If you would like to learn more about the Kennedy Half Dollar, you can read this Coin History article.