CCAC To Review Revised 2026 Native American Dollar Candidates

The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) will be holding a public meeting today. The meeting is slated for two hours, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM Eastern. There are two agenda items for the meeting, the first of which is the 2026 Native American Dollar design candidates.

Readers may recall that the CCAC has already released design candidates for the 2026 Native American Dollar. These were released as part of their April 16th meeting. Subsequently, CCAC and the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) reviewed these designs. Today, revised versions of the designs will be discussed and reviewed.

The 2026 Native American Dollar honors the Oneida Nation and their significant role during the American Revolution at Valley Forge. 

The Oneida Nation played a significant role during the American Revolution, including their contributions at Valley Forge. Here are some key points about their involvement:

  1. American Indian Allies at Valley Forge:
    • During the winter of 1777-78, about 50 Oneida warriors arrived at Valley Forge at the request of General George Washington.
    • These warriors joined a large scouting force led by Marquis de Lafayette to investigate the British situation near Philadelphia.
    • Their presence helped counter British raids in the area, which included confiscating supplies, seizing stragglers, acquiring intelligence, and harassing civilians.
    • The Oneida warriors proved exceptional as scouts and small-unit fighters.
    • In May 1778, they participated in a reconnaissance mission to an area called Barren Hill, where they ambushed British soldiers and provided crucial support during a retreat back to the Valley Forge encampment.

The other agenda item is to review design candidates for the Congressional Gold Medal for former hostages of the Iran Hostage Crisis from 1979-1981.

For those who are interested, you can view the meeting via live stream on the United States Mint’s YouTube Channel.

About the CCAC
The CCAC was established by an Act of Congress in 2003. It advises the Secretary of the Treasury on theme or design proposals for circulating coinage, bullion coinage, Congressional Gold Medals, and other medals produced by the United States Mint. The CCAC also makes commemorative coin recommendations to the Secretary and advises on the events, persons, or places to be commemorated and the mintage levels and proposed designs.

The CCAC is subject to the authority of the Secretary of the Treasury. The United States Mint is responsible for providing necessary and appropriate administrative support, technical services, and advice. The CCAC submits an annual report to Congress and the Secretary of the Treasury, describing its activities and providing recommendations. Please visit for additional information about the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee.

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