ANS Announces Collier Prize in Ancient Numismatics to Moneda Ibérica

The American Numismatic Society (ANS) is pleased to announce the 2024 Collier Prize in Ancient Numismatics has been awarded to Moneda Ibérica, developed and edited by Manuel Gozalbes Fernández de Palencia (Museum of Prehistory of Valencia) and Pere Pau Ripollès Alegre (University of Valencia). The Collier Prize is awarded to the best single or multi-authored book, catalog, or online digital work related to ancient numismatics (650 BCE to 300 CE). Moneda Ibérica is the preeminent digital catalog and digital reference of ancient coins of the Iberian Peninsula and the south of France minted between the 6th and 1st centuries BCE. The award ceremony will be held on March 18, 2025, at 5:30 PM ET, at the ANS headquarters in New York City, followed by a lecture and a reception.

Moneda Ibérica (MIB), at, is the result of decades of work from a global team of researchers, developers, and collaborators. It is organized through Numisdata, based on the open-source tool Dédalo. MIB contains more than 100,000 coins with images from significant museums, public auctions, and private collections, including 4,000 coin types from the Greek, Punic, Iberian, Celtiberian, Vasconian, and Lusitanian cultures, more than 7,000 publications, and 40,000 bibliographic citations.

The Collier Prize is one of the most substantial monetary prizes offered in support of scholarship in ancient numismatics, with the winner(s) receiving $20,000 to be split equally for multi-authored works. A jury of five senior numismatists is appointed biennially by the President of the American Numismatic Society, including a senior ANS curator. The prize was established in 2020 with the generous support of ANS Trustee Carole Anne Menzi Collier in honor of her late husband Professor James M. Collier. The Collier Prize was previously awarded in 2022 to Richard Abdy’s Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) Vol.II: From AD 117 to AD 138 – Hadrian (Spink, 2020). For more information, visit

The American Numismatic Society, founded in 1858, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in New York City dedicated to the study of coins, medals, and all other numismatic objects. The ANS holds one of the largest collections of numismatic objects in the world and a research library. For more information about the ANS, visit

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