Coin History – The Short Lived Susan B Anthony Dollar

1999 Susan B Anthony Dollar

One of the most polarizing and short lived coins in our currency history was the Susan B Anthony Dollar. Plagued by unpopularity because of its size and a lackluster design, the SBA was almost doomed from the start. Discussions of a new dollar coin began in 1976 with both vending machine companies and the public pushing back against the size of the then Dwight D. Eisenhower “Ike” Dollar coin. The Treasury Department and Congress wanted …

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Coin History – The 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial Cents

2009 Lincoln Professional Life

The 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial Cent is one of the unique and early one-offs that the United States Mint tried. That year, four unique reverses (the “tails” side of the coin) were introduced but even long time collectors may not know the full story behind the coins. The obvious answer to the question of why the Mint produced these four reverses is to celebrate the life of the 16th President of the United States. 2009 was …

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