The Nevada State Museum in conjunction with the United States Mint has announced plans to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Carson City Mint. The events will start at 10:00 AM Pacific and will go through until 2:00 PM that afternoon. As part of the events, a .999 silver medallion will be struck on Coin Press No. 1 which will honor the mint and the press itself. Min Director David Ryder will also be in attendance.
Here is the Press Release announcing the event and the scheduled plan of activities.
Join us on February 4 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of when the Carson City Mint issued its first coin in 1870. Special guests will be on hand to make the ceremonial first strikes on Coin Press No. 1 of a special sesquicentennial .999 fine silver medallion. The medallion dies are sculpted by former U.S. Mint Engraver Tom Rogers. The medallion honors the rarest minting duo existing on the planet; the CC Mint and Coin Press No. 1.

The day’s guest of honor is the director of the U.S. Mint, David Ryder. Director Ryder will kick off the festivities by striking a new sesquicentennial medallion on Coin Press No. 1. The governor and other state leaders in attendance will also be invited to assist with first strikes. Following the ceremonial minting, there will be a sesquicentennial program featuring Director Ryder as the keynote speaker. A lunch reception sponsored by the Nevada Mining Association follows the program.
Tickets are available for a cocktail party fundraiser that evening in the Nevada Room at the Governor’s Mansion. U.S. Mint Director Ryder will be a special guest, and each attendee will receive the new sesquicentennial medallion. Tickets are $100. To purchase tickets, call 687-4810 ext. 224.
Tentative Schedule
8:30 AM Free admission to the museum. Planchets for sale in the museum store.
9:30 AM Parade down Carson Street from Capitol to Mint with a local high school marching band (this is in the works.)
10:00 AM Following remarks marking the occasion, the Mint opens its actual front doors allowing historic access to the museum. The front doors on Carson Street are how the building was entered in 1870.
11:00 AM Sesquicentennial Program with keynote speaker, David Ryder, Director of the U.S. Mint. Governor Sisolak is also invited to speak as are other Nevada dignitaries. Buffet lunch reception sponsored by the Nevada Mining Association follows the program.
12 NOON Coin Press No. 1 demonstrations begin. Planchets available for purchase and minting into a new sesquicentennial medallion.
1:00 PM Cutting of the sesquicentennial cake!
5 PM Ticketed event. Cocktail reception at the Governor’s Mansion with David Ryder, Director of the U.S. Mint. Tickets are $100 and include a silver sesquicentennial medallion.
The Carson City Mint Sesquicentennial celebration is supported by the Nevada Mining Association, Travel Nevada, Carson City Culture and Tourism Authority and Coeur Rochester, Inc.