After getting a first look at the Obverse of the 2021 American Eagle Platinum Proof coin two weeks ago, the United States Mint is set to start selling the 1-ounce platinum coin later today. The coin, which is set for a production of only 15,000 coins, will go on sale at Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific. It is priced at $1645.00.
The platinum proof coin is the first in what will be a five year series of coins honoring the First Amendment of the Constitution. The first coin, honors the Freedom of Religion, a right guaranteed to all United States citizens.

Introducing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution Platinum Proof Coin Series featuring newly designed one-ounce 99.95 percent platinum proof coins. This five-year series (2021-2025) will reflect the five freedoms in the First Amendment —“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
This series uses the lifecycle of the oak tree from seedling to a mighty oak as a metaphor for our country’s growth as a Nation that values freedom. Liberty grows to a thing of strength and beauty from a seed—our Bill of Rights. Each of the freedoms enumerated in the First Amendment contributes to the growth and development of the Nation.
The first coin in the program is the 2021 First Amendment to the United States Constitution Platinum Proof Coin – Freedom of Religion.
United States Mint
Only 15,000 of the coins will be available and to start, there will be a household limit of one coin. That limit could change or be eliminated if there are coins remaining after the initial week or so it is available.