If you are like me, it seems every week I have a package containing coins being shipped to me or I’ve shipped out (usually for grading). Keep track of those packages is important so you can be sure to be home when they arrive if possible or know if they are stuck somewhere in the systems of the United States Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx. It would seem that Carlos is in need of such an app.
Carlos dropped a line to the Mail Bag earlier this week and asked if there is a good package tracking app he can use.
I am looking for an app or service I can use to track my coin shipments to me. I use Windows and I can’t find anything other than going to the individual shipping sites like usps or ups. Can you help?
First Carlos, thanks for taking the time to write in. To be honest, I don’t know of a good tracking app or service for Windows. I use a Mac for my main computing device. However, if you are using an iPhone or iPad, there is a great app named Parcel that I recommend. I actually wrote a review of the app last year and it is my go-to app for this kind of thing. It allows me to track packages from a multitude of shipping services globally and it is easy to add them to the app on your iPhone. Further, it has integrations with Amazon so anything you buy on the shopping site is automatically added to Parcel and tracked for you. The app tells you every step in your shipment’s journey and includes a countdown of days until it is delivered. Here is a screenshot from my iPhone of the app. As you can see, I’ve got a package coming from Apple, one from Amazon, and two shipments I sent to NGC for coin grading.

Now for Windows and Android, I don’t have a good answer. I don’t use those platforms and doing a quick search didn’t really yield anything I could find.
USCoinNews readers, if you know of an app that could help Carlos out, post a comment!
Parcel can be found here in the Apple App Store. The app is free but to fully unlock all the tracking features, it is $4.99 per year. In my opinion, it is well worth it.
Thanks for writing in Carlos! For those who have a question, be sure to drop a note on the About Page.