Coming quickly on the heels of the Delaware American Innovation Dollar release last month, the second in the series is coming at the end of this month. The US Mint has announced that the Pennsylvania American Innovation Dollar will be available in rolls and bags starting October 24, 2019. Sales will begin at 12:00 PM Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific.
The second in the American Innovation Dollar series for 2019, the Pennsylvania coin honors the discovery of the polio vaccine in 1953 by Dr. Jonas Salk and his team at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

On October 24, 2019 there will be four products available from the Mint for this new dollar coin.
- 25-Coin Roll (Philadelphia) – $32.95
- 25-Coin Roll (Denver) – $32.95
- 100-Coin Bag (Philadelphia) – $111.95
- 100-Coin Bag (Denver) – $111.95
As was the case with the Delaware dollar, there is no household limit on the number of rolls or bags that you can purchase. Nor is there a production limit on any of these products.
All of the products can be found at this link on the Mint’s site. Further, you can use the “Remind Me” feature to get an email or text notification when sales go live for the products on the 24th.