Today’s Mail Bag question comes from Andrew and it is a question I suspect more than one reader has in these days of high demand for precious metals – Where can I get daily prices? The truth is, there are a lot of resources out there and all of them report basically the same information. The trick, however, is actually finding them because Google, Bing and other search engines don’t always give the best, most direct answer.
Andrew writes…
I wanted to know where you go to get prices for gold and silver. I have been searching around but I cannot find a good source that provides charts. Most of what I find when I google it is broad information, not the daily price.
I’m thinking of buying some gold and silver but I want to make sure I’m not overpaying.
Andrew, the two best sources I’ve found for finding spot prices are SD Bullion and APMEX. Both of these companies, who buy and sell bullion, have great charts and historical information that can help you determine not only today’s spot price for gold, silver, and platinum, but a real feel for the trends going on in the precious metals market. Keep in mind, as mentioned prior, they are both providing the same information but is the opinion and historical data that, I think make these two stand out.

Editors Note: is not an affiliate of either SD Bullion or APMEX and receives no compensation for this article or references to their services. (Good, now the lawyer folks are happy….)
To be clear Andrew, I’m not suggesting that SD Bullion or APMEX are the best. I simply find them the best for what I need: Finding today’s prices for precious metals and some historical context. Hopefully these suggestions will work for you too.
Fellow readers, do you have another site for finding out spot prices? If so, leave it in the comments (but please, no advertisements!).
If you have a question for the Mail Bag, head over to the About page here at USCoinNews and use the contact form to send it in.