To all of the readers, new visitors, and the regulars, I want to wish all of you a safe, healthy, and happy new year. It is my sincere hope that 2023 was a great year for all of you and that 2024 will be even better! There is also a lot to look forward to in the new year from a numismatic perspective.
In 2024 we will see the third year of the American Women Quarter Series from the United States Mint. We will also enjoy five new dollar coins in the American Innovation series, with this year representing its seventh year of production (I know!? I didn’t realize it had been that long either!). Perhaps one of the big highlights for collectors will be the continuation of the Morgan and Peace Dollar series. It is highly recommend that collectors sign up for the enrollment program on these coins as they will likely sell out very quickly. The Mint also has scheduled the next four silver medals in the Presidential Silver Medal series, starting with the first release in February.
Looking back at 2032 from a site perspective, it was a busy year. 314 unique articles were posted in 2023 and the site broke the 1.5 million visitor threshold for the second consecutive year. Daily visits and use of the Apple News feed continue to amaze me. 2023 also saw a number of you support the site through Patron. Thank you so very much!
You probably also noticed that there were not any new articles posted in the last couple of weeks of 2023. That was by design as I was taking a bit of holiday but also doing my annual under-the-covers work on the site. The behind-the-scenes work including some improvements to the overall speed of the site through additional CPU cores and some code optimization. The net result for you as a visitor is that the site should be faster, especially on mobile devices. If you have not checked out the mobile version of the site, please do so.
Looking forward to 2024, I, like many of you, have numismatic goals for the new year. This year, I am going to be spending a lot of my time and money in my continued bolstering my Eisenhower Dollar collection. I have some great coins already in the series, and added several key one’s last year, but I also still have a lot of gaps. The good news is that a lot of those coins can be acquired at very low cost. As for the site itself, it will be more of the same. Regular posting fires up once again on Tuesday and it will be the same news, information, tips, and deals that you’ve come to expect.
As always, I appreciate any feedback on the site. You can use the contact form on the About page.
Once again, a very happy new year to all of you. Thank you for your continued support and visits to the site. All the best to you in 2024!