H.R. 4104 – Negro Leagues Baseball Centennial Act Pass The House

Seal of The House of Representatives

The United States House of Representatives last week passed H.R. 4104, titled Negro Leagues Baseball Centennial Commemorative Coin Act. The bill authorizes the Department of Treasury to create a wide range of commemorative coins to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Negro Leagues of Baseball. H.R. 4104 was introduced on July 30, 2019 by Emmanuel Cleaver (D-MO) but it was not until September 22, 2020 that the bill passed the House. It was …

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H.R. 1923 – Dramatic Circulation Coin Redesign Legislation

Seal of The House of Representatives

A new and dramatic update to legislation introduced last year could have profound impact on circulating coinage in the United States start in 2022. H.R. 1923 was introduced last year titled Women’s History and Nineteenth Amendment Centennial Quarter Dollar Coin Program Act but last Tuesday became known as the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020. Along with the new title, it introduces a sweeping number of changes to nearly all U.S. coinage starting in …

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H.R. 6192 – Morgan and Peace Dollar Legislation Passes House

1921 Peace Dollar

Yesterday, the United States House of Representatives voted and passed bill H.R. 6192. The bill would authorize the United States Mint to begin producing and selling a Morgan Dollar and Peace Dollar in 2021 to commemorative the 100th anniversary of the change from the Morgan to the Peace Dollar in our coinage history. The full text of the bill can be found here and the bill has now gone to the Senate. There, the bill …

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New 2021 Morgan and Peace Dollar Legislation Needs Your Support

1921 Morgan Dollar

The following is a Press Release from Numismatic Guaranty Corporation, NGC. It asks for collectors to write their Representative in the House of Representatives to urge the passing of H.R. 6192. That bill would authorize a Morgan and Peace Dollar in 2021 in commemoration of the 100th anniversary between the change from the Morgan to the Peace Dollar as our nations dollar coin. An effort to empower the US Mint to issue coins celebrating the …

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H.R. 6923 – Essential Worker Commemoratives Further Defined

Seal of The House of Representatives

Last week, I wrote about H.R. 6923, a bill currently in the House of Representatives that calls for commemorative coins to be made to honor the essential worker of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time of that writing, outside of the working title, little was defined as to what the plan was for the coins the bill called to be made by the Mint. Over the weekend, 6923 was more clearly defined with coin types …

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H.R. 6923 – Essential Worker Commemorative Coin Legislation

Seal of The House of Representatives

A new piece of legislation has been introduced into the House of Representatives to honor essential workers in the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic with a commemorative coin. H.R. 6923 was introduced into the House by Representative by Jack Bergman (R-MI) on May 19, 2020. The legislation’s working title is the thrust behind this new legislation: To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the health care professionals, first responders, scientists, researchers, …

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H.R. 6555 – United States Semiquincentennial Quarter Series Act Introduced

Seal of The House of Representatives

Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) has introduced H.R. 6555, the United States Semiquincentennial Quarter Series Act to Congress. The bill was introduced on April 17, 2020 and would allow for a series of Quarters to be made to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America in 2026. The Secretary may issue quarter dollars in 2026 with up to five different designs emblematic of the United States Semiquincentennial. One of …

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Law Signed Authorizing Presidential Dollar for George H.W. Bush

Seal of the United States Mint

On January 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed into law the George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush Coin Act, authorizing the production of a Presidential Dollar for the late President. The law also authorizes the production of the First Spouse gold coin for First Lady Barbara Bush. Senate Bill S.457 was introduced in February 2019 by Senator John Cornyn of Texas. After making its way to the House of Representatives last year and being approved, …

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Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act Passes U.S. House

Christa McAuliffe

After passing the United States Senate back in July, the Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act of 2019 has now passed in the United States House of Representatives. Production of the coin, assuming it gains the President’s signature, will happen in 2021. That will be the 35th anniversary of the Shuttle Challenge explosion. The legislation calls for theĀ United States MintĀ to produce 350,000 silver Dollar coins that would feature McAuliffe on the Obverse and a Reverse that …

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