A Double Die 1955 Lincoln Cent Sold for Nearly $125,000

PCGS MS65+ Double Die 1955 Lincoln Cent (Image Courtesy of GreatCollection)

As regular readers know, here at USCoinNews I rarely post on coin auctions. It isn’t that they aren’t an important part of our hobby, but I’ve always focused on the “average collector” and most of us simply cannot afford these types of coins. But every once in a while an auction happens that is just to good to pass up. This week, one of those happened on a Double Die 1955 Lincoln Cent. This error …

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Today’s Deal – 2009 Lincoln Cent Bicentennial 8-Coin Set

2009 Lincoln Cent Bicentennial Set

Today’s Deal is on a complete uncirculated set of the special 2009 Lincoln Cent Bicentennial set. This 8-coin set features both the Denver and Philadelphia Mint uncirculated coins with all four reverses featured that year. The set is being offered by SmyrnaCoin for $9.99 on their Amazon storefront. US Coin News is an affiliate partner with Amazon. This article contains links that, when clicked and a purchase is made, will generate a small commission to the site. …

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NGC, NCS and PMG Appoint CGB an Official Submission Center in Europe

CGB France

The following is a Press Release from NGC, NCS, and PMG on the appointment of CGB in France as the official submission center in Europe for coins grading. Numismatic Guaranty Corporation® (NGC®), Numismatic Conservation Services™ (NCS®), and Paper Money Guaranty® (PMG®) have appointed CGB Numismatics Paris, a leading coin and banknote firm in France, as an Official Submission Center in Europe. Founded in 1988, CGB is an international numismatics firm that operates a large online …

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Today’s Deal – 3-Coin 1981 Susan B Anthony Dollar Set

1981 Susan B Anthony 3-coin Set

Today’s Deal is on a great and affordable 3-coin set of Susan B Anthony Dollar coins. SmyrnaCoin through their Amazon storefront is selling a set of the 1981 dollars, one coin from all three Mint facilities, for $14.99. It is an easy way to add these somewhat scarce coins to your collection at a low cost. US Coin News is an affiliate partner with Amazon. This article contains links that, when clicked and a purchase is made, …

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Mail Bag – Which Grading Service Do You Use?

US Mail Bag

Today’s Mail Bag question comes from Marcus and he asks which grading service I use for my collection. With handful of different grading service companies out there, it can be a bit confusing on who to use. Marcus writes: I’m trying to figure out which coin grading service to use and which is the best? Which one do you use? Are they the best one? Thanks, Marcus For me, I have always used Numismatic Guaranty …

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NGC to Accept Submissions at Whitman Baltimore Spring Expo

NGC Logo

NGC has announced that they will be onsite for the upcoming Whitman Baltimore Spring Expo to accept submissions for grading. The event is being held March 19-21, 2020 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland. The grading company will be accepting regular submissions at all service levels with a few exceptions, notably for five-ounce silver coins. NGC will be located at booth #1221 and will begin accepting submissions at Noon on March 19th. All …

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Today’s Deal – 112-Coin Complete D & P 50 States Quarter Set

50 State Quarter Complete Set

Today’s Deal is a great opportunity to complete, in one swoop, your 50 States Quarter set. The 50 States Quarter series ran from 1999 through 2009 and had a Quarter representing each state and six U.S. Territories. This set is all uncirculated examples from both the Denver and Philadelphia Mints, 112 coins in all. SmyrnaCoin through their Amazon storefront is selling this massive set for $89.99. That is nearly half the price of the average …

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Mail Bag – Is it Really Okay to Collect for Fun and Not Investments

US Mail Bag

Today’s Mail Bag question comes from Adam who, by self admission, is a new collector. They ask an important question that I think all collectors – new or long time – should stop and think about. Do you collect for fun or do you collect for investments and future generations? Hi, I just started collecting towards the end of last year and have about 30 coins in my collection now. I’ve been collecting for fun …

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The ANS Library Acquires Robert Martin Notebooks on Connecticut Coppers

American Numismatic Society Logo

The following Press Release comes from the American Numismatic Society on the acquisition of the Robert Martin notebooks on Connecticut coppers. It was through a gift from Syd Martin, Roger Siboni, and Tony Terranova. Through the generosity of Syd Martin, Roger Siboni, and Tony Terranova, the ANS library has acquired the Robert Martin notebooks on Connecticut coppers. These recently appeared in the Stack’s November 2019 Baltimore sale (lot 5056), and are there described in part …

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CCAC to Hold Two-Day Meeting Starting March 10th


The United States Mint has announced that the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee, or CCAC, will hold a special two-day meeting starting next Tuesday, March 10, 2020. The meeting, as is normal, will be held at the United States Mint Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The agenda for the two day meeting will cover two key topics that impact coinage for this year and in 2021. On Tuesday, March 10th, the main topic will be review and …

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