United States Mint Sales Report – August 22, 2021

United States Mint Logo - Dark

The United States Mint has released its weekly numismatic product sales report for the week ending August 22, 2021. The report covers the previous seven days in numismatic product sales by the Mint and is separate from the bullion sales report. The report shows that the Mint sold just 20,305, a significant decline from last week’s half-million in sales. The drop reflects the lack of a major release – although there were two last week – by the …

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United States Mint Bullion Sales Report – August 22, 2021

United States Mint Logo - Dark

The United States Mint has updated its daily bullion sales report to Sunday, August 22, 2021. The bullion sales report reflects bullion coins that the Mint sold to Authorized Purchasers for the previous week and is different than the weekly numismatic product report. This week’s report shows that the Mint sold 885,500 products to Authorized Purchasers last week. This total is down from the 1.0365 million product sold according to last week’s report. As is normally the …

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2021-W American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin Sales Begin Today

2021-W American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin Obverse (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint will open sales of the striking 2021-W American Liberty High Relief gold proof coin today. Sales of the very limited release coin will begin at Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific with only 12,500 of the coins available and there is a household limit of one coin. The coin is priced at $2,715. The 24-karat one ounce gold coin is a significant departure in design from the previous coins in the series, aimed …

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United States Mint to Consolidate American Innovation Dollar Reverse Proof Coins to One Product

2021 New York American Innovation Dollar Reverse (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint has quietly made a change to the American Innovation Dollar Reverse Proof coins that are set to be released this year. Previously, the Mint would release an individual Reverse Proof coin for each of the Innovation Dollar releases. This year, the Mint appears to be consolidating those into one product. On the Mint’s Product Schedule page, there are two listings that are coming this fall related to the American Innovation Dollar. …

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2021 American Eagle Silver Reverse Proof Two-Coin Set Designer Edition Sales Delayed

2021 American Eagle Silver Reverse Proof Two-Coin Set Designer Edition (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

Yesterday, I posted that the United States Mint would open up sales of the 2021 American Eagle Silver Reverse Proof Two-Coin Set Designer Edition next week on August 24th. The Mint has now quietly delayed that release until September 13th. The Mint has not released any official statement as to why it is delayed but almost certainly comes down to bullion availability or production constraints. Both of these issues have plagued the United States Mint …

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United States Mint Sales Report – August 15, 2021

United States Mint Logo - Dark

The United States Mint has released its weekly numismatic product sales report for the week ending August 15, 2021. The report covers the previous seven days in numismatic product sales by the Mint and is separate from the bullion sales report. The report shows that the Mint sold an impressive 596,003 products last week, virtually all of which have been released in the past two weeks. Further, all of the products that were in the top ten sales …

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United States Coast Guard 2.5 Ounce Silver Medal Sales Start Today at Noon

United States Coast Guard 2.5 Ounce Silver Medal Reverse (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint will begin sales of the United States Coast Guard 2.5 ounce silver medal on its site starting at Noon Eastern and 9:00 AM Pacific today. The medal is the second medal honoring the United States Military branches to be released this year. The medal honoring the Air Force, after several delays, went on sale last month. As it did with the Air Force 2.5 ounce silver medal, the Mint will have a …

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United States Mint Bullion Sales Report – August 15, 2021

United States Mint Logo - Dark

The United States Mint has updated its daily bullion sales report to Sunday, August 15, 2021. The bullion sales report reflects bullion coins that the Mint sold to Authorized Purchasers for the previous week and is different than the weekly numismatic product report. This week’s report shows that the Mint sold 1,036,500 bullion coins to Authorized Purchasers last week. That is up from the 646,000 sold in last week’s summary report. The highest purchased bullion product from …

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2021-W American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin Sales Begin August 19th

2021-W American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin Obverse (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint will open sales of the striking 2021-W American Liberty High Relief gold proof coin next week. Sales of the very limited release coin will begin at Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific on August 19th. Only 12,500 of the coins will be available and there is a household limit of one coin. At the time of this post, the Mint has not released the official price for this year’s American Liberty but …

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2021-S American Eagle Type-2 Silver Proof Sales Begin Today at Noon

2021-S American Eagle Type-2 Silver Proof (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint will begin sales of the 2021-S American Eagle Type-2 Silver Proof starting later today. It represents the penultimate proof product to be offered by the Mint for the American Eagle this year with only the 2-Coin Reverse Proof set remaining. There will also be an uncirculated version later this year. Sales will begin at Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific. For those of you who are enrolled in the American Eagle Enrollment Program, check …

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