United States Mint Closes Public Tours and Gift Shops in Response to COVID-19

United States Mint Logo

Like many businesses across the country, the United States Mint is taking measure to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country. On Friday, the Mint announced that the public tours offered at the Denver and Philadelphia Mint locations would be suspended. No time line was provided on when these tours would be resumed. In addition, gift shops at both the Denver and Philadelphia Mints have been closed as has the Coin Store in …

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Mint Out of American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins

2020-W American Eagle Silver Coin

The United States Mint yesterday informed Mint Authorized Purchasers that they are temporarily out of American Eagle silver bullion coins. Numismatic News first reported the email that the Mint sent out, which indicated that the Mint had sold some 300% more in the first few weeks of March than were sold in February. This is to inform you that we have temporarily sold out of American Eagle silver eagle bullions. Our rate of sale in …

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Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo Cancelled Due to Coronavirus

Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo Logo

The Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo scheduled for this coming week has been cancelled. The expo was scheduled to take place March 19-21 at the Baltimore Convention Center but due to a Maryland State of Emergency limited large crowds, all bourse (exchange) activities have been cancelled. The State of Emergency in Maryland is due to the continued spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States. The Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo becomes the first …

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Three International Coin Shows Impacted by COVID-19

LIncoln Cents

With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to spread and now declared a pandemic, Numismatics is not exempt from the range of events being cancelled globally. While coin shows to date have not been impacted here in the United States, three international shows have either been postponed or cancelled in the past few weeks. The Singapore International Coin Fair was slated for this month but has been moved to August 14-16, 2020. The event will still take …

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2020 American Eagle Gold Proof Series Set for Release March 19th

2020 American Eagle Gold Proof (Image Courtesy of The United States Mint)

The United States Mint is ramping up to being sales of the 2020 American Eagle gold proof series of coins. The coins will be sold either individually or as a set starting on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Sales will begin at Noon Eastern, 9:00 AM Pacific directly on the Mint’s site. As with previous years, there will be four different coins in the 2020 American Eagle gold proof series. All of the coins will share …

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Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Releases Candidate Images For 2021 American Innovation Dollars

2018 American Innovation Dollar Obverse

As a result of the first day of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting on March 10, 2020, we now have the candidate images for the Reverse of the 2021 American Innovation Dollar series. CCAC released the candidate images late yesterday for the 2021 coins representing New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, and North Carolina. The American Innovation Dollar series all has a common Obverse (heads) of the Statue of Liberty with the Reverse (tails) …

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CCAC Releases Candidate Images of Barbara Bush Gold Coin & Bronze Medal

Barbara Bush Gold Coin & Bronze Medal Candidates Page 1

The Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC) has released the candidate images for the upcoming Barbara Bush First Spouse gold coin and bronze medal. The images were released after the first of the two-day CCAC meeting this week in Washington, D.C.. Legislation for the President George H.W. Bush Presidential Dollar and the First Spouse gold coin and bronze medal for Barbara Bush was signed into law in January by President Trump. The law sets forth that …

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European Union Considering Eliminating the 1 and 2 Cent Euro Coins

Euro 1 Cent Coin

A couple of weeks ago I answered a Mail Bag question regarding why we have the Lincoln Cent. In that reply, I posted a lot of reasons why we likely won’t see the Cent go away including retailers having to adjust prices up or down. Now, however, it appears that the European Union is considering eliminating the 1 and 2 Cent Euro coins in countries that participate in their monetary scheme. That could go a …

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Today’s Deal – Complete 2010 10-Coin America The Beautiful Set

2010 America The Beautiful Quarter Set

Today’s Deal is on the first year of the America The Beautiful Quarter series. Right now on Amazon, you can pick up the 10-coin set of Quarters from 2010 for $13.99. That will give you both the Denver and the Philadelphia minted quarters for all five of the ATB quarters released that year. US Coin News is an affiliate partner with Amazon. Today’s Deal articles contains links that, when clicked and a purchase is made, will generate …

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Submissions Accepted for ANA Young Numismatist Literary Awards

American Numismatic Association Logo

The following is a Press Release from the American Numismatic Association, or the ANA. The organization has announced it has begun accepting submissions for the ANA Young Numismatist Literary Awards for 2020. Submissions will be accepted now through April 1, 2020. Submissions Accepted for ANA Young Numismatist Literary Awards Submissions for the American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) annual Young Numismatist Literary Awards competition are being accepted through April 1. The awards were established to encourage young writers …

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